Thursday, February 21, 2013

They called it Mitu

You know one of so many advantages of traveling is that you can learn and find something new, and that will enhance your knowledge. I’m gonna tell you how I found a fruit that I’ve never seen, or tasted, or heard about it, until that time. 2 years ago, while I was on my way back from my backpacker trip to Bali with my friends. I was on the economic train, and as you know one of the “privilege”  by using economic train is that you will find a lot of huckster. What they sell? Well a lot of things, from meal, snack, fruit, all are original stuff from that place where the train stop.
Me and my friends were on the train from Banyuwangi to Surabaya, when suddenly there’s a middle age woman sell some fruits. We’ve never seen this kind of fruits before. When we ask what the name of that fruit, she said it called Mitu. From the outside it’s like guava, but the texture of its skin is like orange. And the taste of this fruit is like Rambutan or Lengkeng (Longan).
Until now, I’m still craving to taste it again. Unfortunately I cannot find it anywhere, and even most people who I ask about this fruit they have never heard a fruit named Mitu. My mom told me, it might be the same with fruit named Sawo Emas. But she said it’s extinct. :( 

The fruit called Mitu
If anyone know about this fruit maybe you can share the information to me. I just still curious about this fruit J

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